vishnu pareek

Water Jet Cutting Machine

Water Jet Cutting Machine

v  Water jet Cutting Machine:
A water jet cutter is an industrial tool capable of cutting a wide variety of materials using a very high-pressure jet of water or a mixture of water. The cutter is commonly connected to a high-pressure water pump where the water is then ejected from the nozzle, cutting through the material by spraying it with the jet of high-speed water. The features of water jet cutting machine is given below: 

v  Features of Water-jet Cutting Machine:
1.    In water jet cutter, water or mixture of water is used to cut fabric which is controlled by computer.
2.    Special software is used to cut fabric.
3.    A very high velocity (60,000 lb/ square inch) & small diameter steam of water is created by a water jet intensifier pump.
4.    The high pressure jet acts as a solid tool & sharp knife which can easily cut the fabrics, lathers & plastic materials.
5.    As the jet penetrates successive plies in a spread, the momentum decreases & cutting ability is reduced. So, the lower lays of fabric cutting will be wide & less effective.
6.    The jet of water & loose fibers normally caught & drains away by a catcher when cut the fabric. It is in the bottom of the fabric lays & moves with the same speed & the same direction of water jet.
7.    To improve the cutting speed, it is needed to adjust the pressure & radius of the jet. 

v  Advantage of Water-jet Cutting Machine:
  1. Most effective to cut hard materials such as leather & plastic.
  2. Sound of cutting is less.
  3. Excess heat is not produce.
  4. Higher cutting speed.
  5. The table is not cut as catcher is used.
  6. Since there is no solid knife so, no sharpening is required.
v  Disadvantage of Water-jet Cutting Machine:
1.    There is a danger of wet edges.
2.    Water spot may occur on fabric.
3.    High costly.
4.    Hard water causes rusting. So water must be filtered & de-ionized before use.
5.    As in the lower lay, water jet spreads out & then cut is wider & rough at the bottom of the spread.
6.    Not suitable for high lay of fabric.
7.    The sound of jet need to control.

v  Uses/Application of Water-jet Cutting Machine: 
Water jet machine is widely used to cut metal, composite, marble, granite, ceramic tile, glass, cloth, food, leather, rubber, nylon, wood, dynamite and so on. Water jet cutter is not suitable for cutting fabric but this cutter is under research to cut fabric. 

  1. Garment & Technology-Prof. M.A. Kashem
  2. Garments Manufacturing Technology- Saiful Azam, Abu Saleh.



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Water Jet Cutting Machine